Corporate Training – Lessons to Learn from the Mahabharata

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Corporate Training is one of the most underlying aspects to be learnt from Mahabharata. This blog sheds light on how to undertake corporate training when facing the corporate world.

Did you know? The Mahabharata is said to be recited by Vyasa and penned by Ganesha. The second largest epic tale of the world was written around in 3000 BC. And many may think of the mythological story to be obsolete and archaic. However, you would be surprised by the relevance it holds in today’s world.

The corporate world is one of the best places where the ethics from the epic can be easily applied. Mahabharata is considered as the most reliable guide for corporate training, be it for managing business relationships or achieving goals. It often comes handy in resolving specific issues in the business world.

Perform a SWOT analysis

The very first step is performing your SWOT analysis. In Mahabharata, the Pandavas don’t have real wealth, resources and kingdom power. But they tried to gain Divyastra through their hard work, training and dedication.

Similarly, when we are working in the corporate world, we should focus on our strengths and weaknesses. We should try to adopt new skills, corporate training and other learning sources; to achieve success in this fast-moving corporate business environment.

Believe in – Together we can do much more!

In Mahabharata, all Pandavas have different skills, viewpoints, their own strengths and weaknesses. But still, for all of them, the final decision was Yudhishthira. Pandavas unity was their primary power. Whatever may be the dispute, they always preferred to be united.

The same applies to our current corporate training culture. When we are working in a team, in spite of having different skills, experiences and viewpoints, we should work in a team.  A good team focuses on the objectives of the project, and they know how to resolve conflicts and respect each other’s views. Team building is an excellent parameter for the success of the project.

Conduct competitive analysis

Kauravas in spite of their enormous wealth, power and resources could not win against Pandavas. The main reason is lack of cohesiveness. Pandavas were aware of this fact and took advantage of their weak spot in the battle.

When we are performing competitive analysis; we should be aware of a competitor’s weakness; based on that we can develop our strategy.

The importance of mentoring and guidance

Shri Krishna’s mentoring and guidance was one of the significant parameters that led to the success of Pandavas.

Instead of choosing the Shri Krishna army, they have chosen their leader. To win in the corporate world, never hesitate to reach out to the mentors for right guidance. Focus on your learnability and follow the mentor’s success path wisely. Krishna has excellent ability to solve the crisis and has always been considered as a troubleshooter.

A delegation of work and decentralisation

Kauravas had only one single leader who handled and took the main decisions on the battlefield. On the other side, Pandavas had different leaders allocated to various departments.

In a corporate world, delegation and decentralisation of work will be beneficial for the success of the project. Instead of giving all power to the project manager or owner of the project; it is worth to allocate work as per the expertise for each module/department.


In Mahabharata, Arjuna was not ready to fight against his relatives. Krishna being a motivator, given proper guidance to Arjuna about his duties and responsibilities.

Studies have proved that a well-motivated team work better for the success of a project than manager driven teams. Motivation is a significant parameter for human resource management.

The importance of women

Pandavas always gave respect to women and their decisions. Kunti, Draupadi, Subhadra are few influencing female characters in Mahabharata. On the other side, women participation in decision making was almost zero on the Kauravas side.

All in all, we can say that to attain success in your aspirations and goals, you need to plan a direction and not let yourself deviate from it. It is also conveyed in the epic tale that your people and time management skills will play a significant role in your growth along with your academic knowledge.

Categories: General

Dwij K

Hi, I'm a seasoned digital marketer with a deep passion for writing about Digital Marketing and Finance. Leveraging my experience working with CFA Charterholders, MBAs from IIMs, and Certified Financial Planners (CFPs), I bring a wealth of knowledge to through my blogs. Currently, I craft insightful blogs for Proschool, an institute renowned for its finance courses. My expertise lies in breaking down complex financial concepts into easily digestible pieces, making me a trusted source for aspiring finance professionals.

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