8 signs that tell you it’s time to put down the papers
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Whenever you want to join a company, the inherent feeling is to stay for a long time and climb up the career ladder in this organisation. However, things might not always turn out as you expected, and you may soon decide to look for a change.
The question of job change arises in two circumstances-
You are not satisfied with your current employment and see no way forward.
You are always on the lookout for a better opportunity.
While the decision to stay on a job or not depends on an individual’s decision, it is advisable to learn and grow as much as possible in your current organisation. It isn’t wise to just keep changing your job just for the sake of it, after all a rolling stone gathers no moss isn’t it?
While changing too many jobs in your career is not the best thing, you may really need to do so at some point. There is no point simply lingering in a job that doesn’t allow you to grow as a professional and isn’t worth investing your time.
Here is a checklist of 8 signs that tells you when to leave a job:
(1) You feel depressed going to work:
Monday morning blues is a common thing. But if the blues extend to every day of the week and you feel depressed at the thought of going to work, it is alarming.
(2) No work life balance:
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is absolutely true. If your job isn’t allowing you time for basic rest or enough time to spend with your family it isn’t worth it. Not having any time for yourself lowers your productivity and if your job drains you more than enriching you, it’s time for a change.
(3) Taking a toll on health:
If the demands of your job are too much to handle mentally and physically, you need to relook at your current job. No job is worth your health and you must be watchful of any indication of your job ruining your wellness. More trips to the doctor and increased sick leaves are a sign that you shouldn’t stay in this job any longer.
(4) You seem to be overqualified:
Many times, you may get lured by the designation, name of the company or the package and accept a job that isn’t at par with your skill sets and experience. In other occasions, you may have taken up the job due to circumstances. But when you start doing the work, you understand that the tasks do not match your skills and you are on a career retarding track. You will soon get disillusioned with the designation and money and decide to quit.
(5) No scope for career advancement:
If your current organisation offers you enough opportunities for growth either vertically or laterally, you are in the right place. Sometimes an organisation may not offer advancements in terms of promotion or raise, but you may gain a lot of knowledge and learn new things. This is also a form of advancement and enough to motivate you to hold on. However, if you are in the same role for years and feel stagnated even after repeated attempts towards promotion, it’s time to explore new opportunities.
(6) The work environment is full of toxic people:
Your office environment has a deep impact on your psyche and productivity. If you are surrounded by co-workers and seniors who constantly de-motivate you and criticise you, you need to find your way out. Constructive criticism is welcome and it helps you to grow, however, letting someone put you down is not acceptable. Office politics and toxic surrounding shouldn’t be encouraged and you may look for an organisation which focuses on employee well-being.
(7) The company is a cultural misfit:
The culture of a company has a great role in your performance as an employee. If you desire a flexible work culture and the company has a stringent culture, you won’t be able to happily survive there for longer. On the other hand, if you want a formal work atmosphere and a no-nonsense approach to work, but your company has a cool, trendy and laid off kind of environment, you may find yourself as a misfit. Soon you will need to look for a company which is culturally aligned to yours.
(8) You feel like a voiceless employee:
For better performance, you need to be actively involved in your role and connect to it. However, if the company management only wants you to follow their instruction and not give any inputs, you cannot grow in such an environment. As a professional, you need to have an opinion of your own and have the capacity to voice it. If the company environment doesn’t support you in this regard and wants you to remain passive, it’s time to put down your papers.
If you plan your career well, you may really gain out of job changes done at the right time for the right opportunity.
Happy Serving!
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